The Special Education Tribe at Flowery Branch Elementary aims to support the diverse learning and social emotional needs of our Tribe by supporting the whole child. We are excited about helping our students grow!
Back Row L-R: Marshall Wilson (teacher), Shirley Bailey (PreK parapro), Rachel Ray (PreK parapro), Daniel Williams (teacher), Michele Pebley (PreK teacher), Michelle Ingram (teacher), Michael Morris (parapro), Jennifer Melton (parapro), Bernadette Alcala (OT), Adarius Rogers (parapro), Front Row: Brittany Byrd (SLP), Cristal Lewis (parapro), Ansleigh Martin (teacher), Alex Groveman (SLP)
Special Education Pre-K
Preschool Special Education is excited about our students and families. We focus on the needs of our students, and encourage students to grow their social skills with their fellow peers. We are excited to be the first school experience for our students. We look forward to working with students and parents to ensure a successful school year.

L-R: Michelle Pebley (teacher), Carey Tuttle (paraprofessional), Denise Turner (paraprofessional), Shirley Bailey (paraprofessional)
Not shown: Rebekah Beckman (teacher)
Address / Phone
Flowery Branch Elementary School
5544 Radford Road
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Phone: 770-967-6621
Fax: 770-967-4880
School Hours
Monday – Friday
7:45AM – 2:25PM